"An Exceptional Janitorial Service"
115 Carriage Drive
Kensington CT 06037

860-676-3397, 860-583-8545 , 860-830-4541

An Invitation To A Clean Start !!

Office Buildings Stores Financial Institutions Manufacturing Facilities

Few things contribute more to your image as a business, than the overall cleanliness of your facility. With a neat and clean facility, customers are more comfortable, employee morale is improved, and the overall perception of your business is greatly enhanced. At Redstone Maintenance Services, we pay special attention to those little details that make your office, store, bank or manufacturing facility, look, smell, and feel its cleanest.

Not happy with your present service ? Please let us demonstrate that there IS a difference !

Why Consider Redstone ?

The Services We Provide !

In business since 1984 !!

Locally owned & operated, since inception

First cleaning FREE to bring your facility up to our standards (baseline)

Over 40 trained employees

3 Full-time supervisors

Long list of references available, please ask!

Latest technology equipment

Comprehensive insurance coverage

Windows: Clean glass

Floors: clean, strip, wax & buff

Carpet: vacuum, steam cleaning, shampooing

Upholstery: vacuuming & steam cleaning

Brass & chrome fixtures: clean & polish

Routine housekeeping, all aspects

Daily, weekly, semi-weekly schedules

Coordination of recycled materials

Trustworthy provider of a clean facility